Investment Advisory Services

Our team of Investment Advisors, Licensed Insurance Agents, Enrolled Agents, and Certified Divorce Financial Analysts offer a range of services tailored for the financially independent.




We’re not ‘stock-pickers’, although we do offer stock-based models. Our goal isn’t to beat the S&P 500 every year . We don’t try to time the market, but we are actively managing and updating our models based on changes in the economy and market as they grow and change.  We’ve heard about all of the fancy new trends in investing that come and go each year, and have been around long enough to see what happens to those investments when things go South.

We take a ‘slow and steady,’ risk-based approach to investment. We start with your investing goals, and then put together a custom portfolio that factors in your personal risk tolerance, and your capacity for risk. 

We use ETFs as the foundation for our models, which offer the benefits of diversification, transparency, lower internal fees compared to many mutual funds, and increased tax efficiency. 

It’s a time tested approach for patient investors interested in long-term wealth accumulation. 

Portfolio Review

Find out if your current plan has you on track for meeting your financial goals through an impartial and objective third-party financial review. For a one-time fee, we look at your current portfolio and evaluate:

  • If you have the right balance of risk
  • If you are paying too much
  • If your investments and returns are appropriate to your risk and goals

The team at Dekker Financial will make recommendations which may include changing the structure, diversifying investments, insurance protection, and estate planning to ensure that you are getting the most out of your money.


We use Charles Schwab as our custodian for investment accounts we manage directly. 

Hiring a Fee-Based Financial Planner Vs. Commission-Based

The fee-based financial planner (vs. commission-based) is a more modern type of investment professional who charges a flat rate or a percentage basis for his or her services, instead of receiving compensation from commissions on investment transactions.

Fee-based financial planning services consist of analyzing portfolios as a whole. Our Financial Planners have experience in investments such as, stocks, bonds, and insurance, tax planning and preparation, as well as other areas such as business or real estate investing, college funding, financial aid, and retirement.

The primary benefit of a fee-based planner is that they can provide objective advice in regard to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, annuities, and insurance without being swayed by any personal compensation benefits associated with giving certain recommendations.

Such professionals allow investors to access financial expertise while gaining independence from compensation-based advice.